Keys to the stump dump can be pick up at the Town Office during business hours.
Town of Bridport Amendment of Ordinance on Regulation of Speed
Town of Bridport Amendment of Ordinance on Regulation of Speed
This is NOTICE that the Bridport Selectboard has determined there is a need to lower the speed limit on all of the Mountain Road and Forrest Road. The consideration therefore includes the following: resident requests; the rural neighborhood character; the abutting residential and agricultural/forest land use; bicycle and pedestrian use; and such physical characteristics of the roads as: hilly, curving, narrowness and being gravel roads. The following action is adopted by the Town of Bridport under the authority of 24 VS.A. Chapter 59, 24 VS.A Subsection 2291(4), 23 VS.A Section 1007 and such other laws of the State of Vermont as are applicable.
The ORDI.NANCE ON REGULATION OF SPEED of the Town of Bridport adopted May 9, 2005, and as amended by the adoption May 12, 2008 of an AMENDMENT thereto, is hereby further amended as follows in its ARTICLE 3. REGULATION OF SPEED:
A new section "G." as follows is added:
G. 35 MPH on all of both the Town Highway No. 13, also known as Mountain Road, and the Town Highway Nos. 11 and 12, also known as Forrest Road.
EFFECTIVE DATE: Except as otherwise provided for under 24 VS.A Section 1973 in the case of a petition, this amendment of said Ordinance shall become effective 60 days after its adoption on November 12, 2024, by the Bridport Selectboard.
either Julie Howlett, the Bridport Town Clerk, at her Office (125 Crown Point Road, P.O. Box 27, Bridport, VT 05734) Tel. No. 802-758-2483 or Drexel Wheeler, a member of the Selectboard, at (1790 Forrest Road, Bridport, VT 05734) Tel. No. 802-373-5479. The full text of the Ordinance Amendment may also be examined at the Bridport Town Clerk's Office and on the Town's website at
AMENDMENT Under 24 VS.A Section 1973, the qualified voters of the Town of Bridport have the right to petition for a vote on the question of disapproving the Ordinance Amendment. A petition for such a vote must be signed by not less than five
(5) percent of the qualified voters of the Town and presented to the Bridport Selectboard or the Town Clerk within forty-four (44) days following the adoption of the Ordinance Amendment.
Town of Bridport Amendment of Ordinance on regulation of Speed
The Bridport Selectboard hereby determines there is a need to lower the speed limit on all of the Mountain Road and Forrest Road. The consideration therefore includes the following: resident requests; the rural neighborhood character; the abutting residential and agricultural/forest land use; bicycle and pedestrian use; and such physical characteristics of the roads as: hilly, curving, narrowness and being gravel roads. The following action is adopted by the Town of Bridport under the authority of 24 VS.A. Chapter 59, 24 VS.A. Subsection 2291(4), 23 VS.A. Section 1007 and such other laws of the State of Vermont as are applicable.
The ORDINANCE ON REGULATION OF SPEED of the Town of Bridport adopted May 9, 2005, and as amended by the adoption May 12, 2008 of an AMENDMENT thereto, is hereby further amended as follows in its ARTICLE 3. REGULATION OF SPEED:
A new section "G." as follows is added:
G. 35 MPH on all of both the Town Highway No. 13, also known as Mountain Road, and the Town Highway Nos. 11 and 12, also known as Forrest Road.
EFFECTIVE DATE: Except as otherwise provided for under 24 VS.A. Section 1973 in the case of a petition, this amendment of said Ordinance shall become effective 60 days after its adoption on November 12, 2024, by the Bridport Selectboard.
Bridport Selectboard:
Tim Howlett
David Bronson
Bob Sunderland
Road Closed
West Market Road from 125 to Basin Harbor Road closed due to rain.
Market Road Closed August 21-24 east of East Street
Addison County Housing Survey
Housing is a challenge for all Vermonters. Help us find the right solution for your community!
Report Flood Damage
Help your neighbors- Even if you don’t need support for yourself, reporting helps the whole community.
Report damage online at or dial 211 or 802-652-4636
Rattlin Bridge Road is now open!
Town Meeting Results
All articles passed
Tim Howlett - Town Moderator
Bob Sunderland - Selectboard
Pierre Bordeleau - Selectboard
Jennifer Sullivan - Auditor
No One Elected - Auditor
Vicki Major - Lister
Eric Conroy - Lister
Richard Shimel - 1st Constable
Bruce Stocker - 2nd Constable
Darwin Pratt - Water Commissioner
David Bronson - Cemetery Commissioner
Bridport Planning Commission Survey
The Bridport Planning would like your feedback. Please return surveys to the Town Office or bring them to the polls. Click here for survey.
Final Public Notice Rattlin Bridge Rd.
Final Public Notice Town of Bridport
Pursuant to Executive Order 11990 (Protection of Wetlands) and Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) implementing regulations set forth in Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 9, FEMA hereby provides final public notice of its decision to provide Public Assistance Program funding for an action located in a wetland. Funding would be provided through Vermont Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security to the Town of Bridport to upsize the Rattlin Bridge Road culvert.
The proposed action is located on Rattlin Bridge Rd in Bridport, VT 05734. The Project is to replace damaged twin culverts with a large concrete arched culvert and to make road and embankment repairs.
The project is within an area that contains riverine wetlands. The planned upgrades to the damaged facility will restore pre-disaster functionality and return the beneficial values of the riverine wetland by restoring bankfull width of the road crossing. A map of the area is available upon request.
The project must be in the wetland as the culvert is functionally dependent on its location. There is no practicable alternative outside the wetland. The “no action” alternative was considered but is not practicable because it would inhibit the natural flow of the riverine wetland and limit ingress/egress.
Map requests and comments about this project and potential floodplain impacts should be submitted within 15 days of the date of this publication to:
Michelle Iannuzzi, Environmental Protection Specialist Federal Emergency Management Agency, Windsor, CT (202)812-5654
Corinna Giles, Environmental/Historic Preservation Advisor Federal Emergency Management Agency, Windsor, CT; (202)-655-8666
Town Warning 2022
The Legal Voters of the Town of Bridport are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Bridport Masonic/Community Hall on Tuesday March 1, 2022 to transact the following business. The polls for voting by Australian ballot will be open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. All business will be voted by Australian ballot.
Article 1. To elect the following officers by Australian ballot:
· Town Moderator for a term of one year.
· Selectboard member for a term of three years.
· Selectboard member for a term of two years.
· Auditor for a term of three years.
· Auditor for a remaining term of one year.
· Lister for a term of three years.
· Lister for the remaining term of two years.
· Water Commissioner to the Board of Water Commissioners of the Tri-Town Water
District #1 for a term of three years.
· First Constable for a term of one year.
· Second Constable for a term of one year.
· Cemetery Commissioner for a term of five years.
Article 2. Will the Voters approve of the reports of the Town Officers?
Article 3. Will the Voters appropriate $20,000.00 for the Bridport Fire Department?
Article 4. Will the Voters appropriate $10,000.00 for Townline First Response?
Article 5. Will the Voters appropriate $1,900.00 for Addison County Central Teens?
Article 6. Will the Voters appropriate $608.00 for Addison County Economic Development Corporation?
Article 7. Will the Voters appropriate $2,500.00 for Addison County Home Health and Hospice, Inc.?
Article 8. Will the Voters appropriate $500.00 for Addison County Humane Society?
Article 9. Will the Voters appropriate $1,600.00 for Addison County Parent/Child Center?
Article 10. Will the Voters appropriate $350.00 for Addison County Readers, Inc.?
Article 11. Will the Voters appropriate $400.00 for Addison County Restorative Justice Services?
Article 12. Will the Voters appropriate $2,000.00 for Age Well?
Article 13. Will the Voters appropriate $1,000.00 for Charter House Coalition?
Article 14. Will the Voters appropriate $1,750.00 for Counseling Service of Addison County?
Article 15. Will the Voters appropriate $700.00 for Elderly Services?
Article 16. Will the Voters appropriate $700.00 for John Graham Emergency Shelter?
Article 17. Will the Voters appropriate $12,180.00 for Middlebury Regional EMS?
Article 18. Will the Voters appropriate $850.00 for Open Door Clinic?
Article 19. Will the Voters appropriate $3,000.00 for Platt Memorial Library?
Article 20. Will the Voters appropriate $320.00 for Retired and Senior Volunteer Program?
Article 21. Will the Voters appropriate $760.00 for Tri-Valley Transit (formerly ACTR)?
Article 22. Will the Voters appropriate $500.00 for Vermont Adult Learning?
Article 23. Will the Voters appropriate $500.00 for Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired?
Article 24. Will the Voters appropriate $190.00 for Vermont Center for Independent Living?
Article 25. Will the Voters appropriate $250.00 for Vermont Family Network?
Article 26. Will the Voters appropriate $1,250.00 for WomenSafe?
Article 27. Will the Voters approve of there being due and payable on all property taxes remaining unpaid after their installment due date of interest thereafter at the rate of one percent per month or fraction thereof under Section 4873 of Vermont Statutes Annotated Title 32?
Article 28. For its July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 fiscal year, will the Voters approve the sums of $1,099,855.00 and $322,380.00 for the proposed expenses of the Department of Public Works and General Fund, respectively, for a total of $ 1,422,235.00; with up to $1,261,118.00 to be raised by property taxes in addition to other non-tax receipts; with each of these last three amounts being reduced by the respective amount from any of Articles 3 to 26 that are not approved; and with all property taxes to be paid its Treasurer in two equal installments on or before November 10, 2022 and on or before May 10, 2023?
NOTICE of AVAILABILITY of 2021 Bridport Annual Town Report
At the March 3, 2015 Town of Bridport Annual Town Meeting, the Voters authorized the Selectboard to give at least thirty days advance notice before the date of the Annual Town Meeting of the availability of the Bridport Annual Town Report.
The 2021 Town Report will be available for review and/or download on the Town of Bridport website ( on or before February 18, 2022. In addition, printed copies of the Town Report will be made available at the Town Clerk’s Office on or before February 18, 2022. Any Town Voter or resident may request to receive a printed copy of the Town Report by requesting it at the Bridport Town Clerk’s Office. Residents may call 758-2483, email, mail a request to P.O. Box 27, Bridport, VT 05734. Please do not stop in the Town Offices to request a Town Report due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.
Dated January 28, 2022 by the Selectboard members of the Town of Bridport.
Tim Howlett-Chair Joan Huestis David Bronson
Robert Sunderland Steve Huestis
Town Office Election Forms due January 24, 2022
Consent of Candidate forms due January 24, 2022 , petitions waived for 2022
Offices up for election
Town Moderator
Selectboard member 3 years
Selectboard member 2 years
Lister 2 years
Lister 3 years
Auditor 3 years
Auditor 2 years
First Constable one year
Second Constable one year
Water commissioner 3 years
Cemetery Comissioner 5 years
Notice of Tax Sale-2 Parcels November 30, 2021
Property: 2813 Hemenway Road, Bridport, Vermont
Owner of Record: Martha C. Orvis and David J. Knauss
The resident and nonresident owners, lien holders and mortgagees of lands in the Town of Bridport, in the County of Addison and State of Vermont, are hereby notified that the taxes assessed by such Town for the years 2019 and 2020 remain, either in whole or in part, unpaid on the following described lands in such town, to wit:
A parcel of land consisting of 2 acres, more or less, with all improvements thereon, located at 2813 Hemenway Road, Bridport, Vermont, designated as parcel 08-037, and being all and the same lands and premises decreed to Martha C. Orvis and David J. Knauss by Decree of Distribution in the Estate of Carol C. Knauss, dated September 5, 2019, and recorded in Book 93 at Page 500 of the Bridport Land Records.
Subject to and benefited by all easements, rights of way, permits, and restrictions of record.
Reference is made to said instrument and its record and all prior instruments and their records for a more particular and complete description of the above-described lands and premises.
So much of such lands will be sold at public auction at the Bridport Town Office, 82 Crown Point Road, Bridport, Vermont, a public place in said Town, on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, at 1:00 P.M., as shall be requisite to discharge such taxes with costs, unless previously paid.
Dated at Bridport, Vermont, this 4th day of November, 2021.
Katie King
Collector of Delinquent Taxes
Town of Bridport
Property: Hemenway Road, Bridport, Vermont
Owner of Record: Joseph Gleason
The resident and nonresident owners, lien holders and mortgagees of lands in the Town of Bridport, in the County of Addison and State of Vermont, are hereby notified that the taxes assessed by such Town for the years 2019 and 2020 remain, either in whole or in part, unpaid on the following described lands in such town, to wit:
A parcel of land consisting of 149.50 acres, more or less, with all improvements thereon, located on Hemenway Road in, Bridport, Vermont, designated as parcel 12-020, and being all and the same lands and premises described in the Warranty Deed of Jeanette M. Schofield to Joseph H. Gleason, dated October 2, 2000, and recorded in Book 49 at Page 122 of the Bridport Land Records.
Subject to and benefited by all easements, rights of way, permits, and restrictions of record.
Reference is made to said instrument and its record and all prior instruments and their records for a more particular and complete description of the above-described lands and premises.
So much of such lands will be sold at public auction at the Bridport Town Office, 82 Crown Point Road, Bridport, Vermont, a public place in said Town, on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, at 1:00 P.M., as shall be requisite to discharge such taxes with costs, unless previously paid.
Dated at Bridport, Vermont, this 4th day of November, 2021.
Katie King
Collector of Delinquent Taxes
Town of Bridport
Upcoming Grab-and-Go Meal Schedule
Upcoming Grab-and-Go Meal Schedule
Age Well Grab-and-Go Meals are open to anyone age 60 and over and their spouse of any age.
All meal recipients must register with Age Well once a year. You may be given a form or called to register. If given a form, please answer all questions on the front and complete the Risk Assessment on the back and return to any Grab and Go site.
ADVANCED RESERVATIONS ONLY – Please check the below instructions for each site.
Note: Michelle Eastman will only call you back if there is a problem with your reservation.
Please list each name when reserving. If brand new please leave date of birth.
Rode or Delivery may be available. Call Tri-Valley 6 Transit (TVT) at 802-388-2287 to enquire.
TVT requests 48-hour notice.
One meal per person per day.
Currently no suggested donation for Grab and Go meals. Seated meal donations are noted.
Wed Nov 3rd –Middlebury VFW – Exchange St
***PICK UP TIME IS NOW 11:30 am – please be on time.
Please stay in your car. Drive up, check-in, contact free pick up. Pot roast with gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots, dinner roll, chocolate raspberry cake, and milk. Call Michelle to reserve by Sunday October 31st. 802-377-1419.
Wed Nov 10th Halfway House Rt 22A Shoreham
Pick-up 11am-12pm – Honk once at back door, meals will be brought out. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, roll, vegetables, and dessert.
Call the restaurant to reserve at least 24-hours in advance. 802-897-5160.
SPECIAL HOLIDAY GRAB AND GO MEALS Note early order deadline
Choose your site, note the pickup time, and pre-order by Nov 11th. Call Michelle at 802-377-1419.
Bridport – Tuesday Nov 16th - Congregational Church-54 Middle Road- PICK UP 11:15 am
Middlebury – Wednesday Nov 17th – VFW Exchange St – PICK UP 11:30 am
Vergennes – Thursday Nov 18th – St. Peter’s Maple St – PICK UP 10:45 am
Starksboro – Friday Nov 19th – Baptist Church Route 116 – PICK UP 3:30 pm
Please be on time for pick up.
Roast Turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, carrots, cranberry sauce, roll, pumpkin pie, milk.
If saving for Thanksgiving, please plan to freeze the meal.
Mon Nov 22nd Rosie’s Rt 7 South, Middlebury.
Doors open at 11:00 am , meal served at 11:30 am. Chicken and biscuits with vegetables, coleslaw, and fruit crisp for dessert. Call Michelle to reserve by Nov 18th 802-377-1419. $5 suggested donation does not include gratuity. Please stay home if you don’t feel well or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid 19. Masks are encouraged unless seated and eating.
Look for our menus
In the Addison Independent Calendar!
AGE WELL helpline:1-800-642-5119
Middle Road Culvert Local Concerns Meeting
Local Concerns Meeting Notice
October 7, 2021
6:30 pm
Meeting Room at Town Garage
284 Short Street
Bridport, VT 05734
STP MM 21.4 Middle Rd. Culvert Replacement Scoping Project
Fuss & O’Neill Reference Project No. 20210607.A10
This project includes the replacement of existing culverts under Middle Road along with approach roadway reconstruction and roadway slope construction.
The Town of Bridport will hold a Local Concerns Meeting for the above-noted project. Representatives from the Town and Fuss & O’Neill Engineers, consultant to the Town, will be present to discuss the initial concepts for the project, listen to initial concerns and comments, and to answer questions regarding the project prior to the start of the design process. The project is being funded by the Town and through the VTrans Municipal Assistance Bureau Program.
Ripton Financial Agreement Vote Results
43-yes, 10-no for a total of 53 votes
Basin Harbor Road Closure
Construction will begin on Monday, August 30, 2021 for the Bridport Basin Harbor Road box culvert project. Basin Harbor Road will be closed between Middle Road and Market Road for the duration of construction which is proposed from August 30th through October 8, 2021.
Invitation to Bid
STP MM21(4) - Middle Road Culvert Replacement Request for Proposals Municipal Scoping Study Town of Bridport, Vermont Date Issued: June 21,2021 Date Due: July 16, 2021 by 4:00PM Contact person: Mike Winslow, Transportation Planner, 802-578-9999, All questions related to this request for proposal shall be addressed to this individual no later than 5 business days prior to the Date Due above. I. INTRODUCTION The Town of Bridport is requesting proposals for production of a scoping study to identify issues with replacement of twin culverts on Middle Road, a Class 3 town highway. The 72” culverts are located at approximately latitude 43.97708, longitude -73.364783. The culverts carry the East Branch of Dead Creek under Middle Road. The culverts are in poor condition and this section of road has been overtopped twice in memory, most recently during the Halloween storm of 2019. The landscape around the project area is agricultural with a wide floodplain and extensive wetlands at either side of the project.The project is funded in part by the Federal Highway Administration and the Town of Bridport, through the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) Municipal Assistance Bureau (MAB). The owner of the project is the Town and the sole authority for the Consultant during the project rests with the Town of Bridport Selectboard. Project development must follow the VTrans Municipal Assistance Bureau (MAB) process. Questions related to the MAB project development process can be answered by Ande Deforge, VTrans Project Supervisor, Municipal Assistance Bureau, by email at or by phone at (802) 595-6657 All work will be accomplished in accordance with the following: ● MAB Guidebook for Municipally Managed Projects (found on the VTrans MAB website ). ● MAB Project Development Process flow chart (found on the VTrans MAB website). ● Specifications for Contractor Services (found in the MAB Guidebook appendix). II. SCOPE OF WORK In general, the scope of this project will consist of a planning process that identifies the needs of STP MM21(4) - Middle Road Culvert Replacement Bridport Scoping Study RFP Page 1 of 10 Bridport within a defined area taking into consideration the existing conditions. The outcome of the process will be: • Identification and prioritization of improvements • A public involvement process to ensure local input and support of projects • An assessment of historic, archaeological and environmental impacts • Clear, written documentation of project issues and overall feasibility • A complete preliminary cost estimate for further engineering, project administration, environmental review, and construction The draft and final reports will include all elements of this RFP in a format outlined in section L. A.) Project Kickoff Meeting Meet with Town and State officials (MAB Project Manager) and a local project steering committee to develop a clear understanding of the project goals, objectives, timelines and deliverables. B.) Compile Base Map/Document Existing Conditions Compile a base map using available mapping including VT Digital Orthophotos, digital parcel maps for the Town (if available) and other natural resource-based GIS data available from the RPC or the Vermont Center for Geographic Information (VCGI). The compiled information must be displayed in an ArcView-compatible format. Display of typical sections and other engineering type drawings may be done with software other than ArcView. Existing conditions to be noted include presence of existing pedestrian/bike facilities, roadway widths, subsurface drainage and any other items the consultant feels are appropriate. Additional items to be mapped may include natural resource constraints, utilities, historic and archaeological impacts, etc. Additionally, the consultant will collect traffic information such as the Average Daily Traffic, pedestrian and bicycle counts and available crash data. The consultant may elect to undertake a topographic survey to more accurately map roadway widths, location of existing buildings, drainage facilities and any other features that may be critical to the design of the project. C.) Local Concerns Meeting The consultant will organize and moderate a local concerns meeting with Town representatives and State officials. This meeting is with the public to develop a clear understanding of the project goals, objectives and concerns. This meeting may be an opportunity to discuss any future maintenance issues or concerns with the proposed project. As an outcome of the local concerns meeting and the project kickoff meeting, the consultant will develop a Project Purpose and Need Statement for proposed STP MM21(4) - Middle Road Culvert Replacement Bridport Scoping Study RFP Page 2 of 10 improvements. The consultant will generate this statement based on local input and an understanding of existing conditions. D.) Develop Conceptual Alternatives In cooperation with the Town staff the consultant will be responsible for identifying potential alternatives for the proposed culvert replacement utilizing the information compiled for the base plan, and site visit(s). As part of developing alternatives, the consultant will assess the impact of the project construction on existing vehicle, farm vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The assessment should be made by referencing the VTrans Work Zone Safety and Mobility Guidance document and its appendix. An initial determination should be made as to what level of impact is likely to result from project construction; significant, moderate or minor. The study shall include a section on traffic management that discusses the possible impacts, what stakeholders may be impacted and what measures are likely to be needed to address work zone impacts during construction. If traffic control measures are needed, their cost shall be identified in the overall costs for each alternative. E.) Identify Right-of-way Issues Compile all right-of-way and abutting property ownership information along the proposed alignment of the project. This information should identify public/private ownership and any existing easements or restrictions (e.g. Act 250 permits) on affected property. Map right-of-way information on the same base mapping as the existing conditions – Task B). F.) Identify Utility Conflicts Identify and discuss all public and private underground and overhead utilities (water, sewer, fiber optics, electric, TV, cable, phone) in the project area. Include a preliminary assessment of whether any relocations will be required. Will the relocations occur outside of the existing Rights of Way? For underground utilities, an assessment should be made of whether they will be impacted by construction of the proposed improvements. The assessment should include identification of owners of potentially impacted utilities. G.) Identify Natural and Cultural Resource Impacts and Permitting Requirements Identify natural and cultural resource impacts including wetlands, surface waters, floodplains, river corridors, lake shorelands, flora/fauna, endangered species, storm water, hazardous material sites, forest land, historic, archaeological and architectural resources, 4(f) and 6(f) public lands, and agricultural lands. Identify potential impacts on these resources and permitting requirements, including the potential for review under Act 250. STP MM21(4) - Middle Road Culvert Replacement Bridport Scoping Study RFP Page 3 of 10 All environmental resource work shall be conducted by qualified professionals in that field (i.e. wetland reviews conducted by qualified wetland biologists, historic preservation reviews by historic preservation professionals, archaeological reviews by archaeologists, etc.), and should be well documented in the scoping report. Reviews can be completed with remote sensing, maps, archives, professional judgement and minimal field work, if any. More detailed analysis of reviews will be completed during design stages of the project. Project area should be depicted on a map. Environmental resource areas and impacts should also be delineated/illustrated/or otherwise described on the map. Historic and Archaeological resources will be reviewed to determine potential direct and indirect impacts to those resources. Consultants should identify a proposed Area of Potential Effects (APE) for both direct and indirect effects. For the Historic resources, the correct level of study for above-ground resources would be a survey that identifies properties in the APEs that are potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. For Archaeology, the correct level of effort is an Archaeological Resources Assessment (ARA) which involves no excavations, but identifies where and how much of a proposed project area has archaeologically sensitive land. This is based on the Predictive Model developed by the SHPO office, historic maps such as Beers, Wallings, Sanborn for urban areas, Google imaging using the timeline feature to potential land changes over the years and the On-Line Resource Center (ORC) for professional archaeologists conducting work in Vermont. See link below. Field visits may be required to verify any disturbance but at this preliminary level, a desk review may be sufficient to determine general sensitivity. er Because an alternative has not yet been selected, all Environmental Resource ID work shall include the general project area in which all proposed alternatives will take place. If alternatives are provided in the scoping report, then recommendations for the alternatives’ impact on environmental resources shall be stated in the scoping report, along with anticipated permit requirements. When possible, documentation from appropriate state and federal agencies (e.g. Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corps of Engineers) should be included to summarize the extent to which resources may or may not be impacted. The consultant will identify any permits that will likely be needed for the project. The Vermont ANR Natural Resource Atlas and BioFinder are web-based mapping tools which should be used to approximate natural resource features. The Atlas serves as a quick reference to help determine which resources, mentioned above, are possibly located within the project limits. To aid in the review the following web applications should be viewed and referenced. STP MM21(4) - Middle Road Culvert Replacement Bridport Scoping Study RFP Page 4 of 10 ANR Natural Resource Atlas: ● Wetland VSWI & Wetlands Advisory layers ● VT Fish and Widlife Layers (RTE, uncommon species, deer wintering) ● Hydric Soils layers ● Rivers layers ANR BioFinder: The Vermont Significant Wetland Inventory (VSWI) and Wetlands Advisory layers are good places to start to determine potential presence of wetlands although, all state significant wetlands are not mapped. The hydric soils mapping indicates additional areas where wetlands may be present. The actual boundaries and presence of wetlands must always be determined in the field by a professional wetland scientist. The DEC Watershed Management Division has regional resource scientists who are available to help with project scoping and permitting requirements. For instance, the floodplain managers can help evaluate river corridors and whether certain types of bike and pedestrian facilities meet the State river corridor performance standard, i.e., fit within these dynamic areas without the application and maintenance of river channelization practices. During development of alternatives, the Consultant shall attempt to minimize discharges of untreated stormwater to surface waters or wetlands, particularly during smaller storms (1yr return frequency and smaller). Reasonable effort shall be made to identify and attempt to minimize conflicts and align project goals as practicable with known community stormwater master plans, tactical basin plans, jurisdictional features associated with State stormwater permits, planned stormwater retrofits and other related considerations which may be affected by the project. This resource work will inform the alternative selection so that the project avoids and minimizes, to the extent practicable, impacts to environmental resources. Thorough and well-documented resource identifications will inform the selection of the Least Environmental Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) and development of Conceptual Plans. Scoping reports will be reviewed by the VTrans Project Delivery Bureau Environmental Section H.) Alternatives Presentation All of the proposed alternatives (including a mandatory “no build” alternative) will be evaluated in an alternatives matrix. The matrix will include resource impacts, right of way impacts, utility impacts, ability to meet the project purpose and need, estimated cost and any other factors that will help the community evaluate the alternatives being considered. Taking into consideration previously gathered information, conduct a public STP MM21(4) - Middle Road Culvert Replacement Bridport Scoping Study RFP Page 5 of 10 informational meeting to present all the different alternatives that have been considered. The outcome of this meeting should be an alternative selected by the community for further development. I.) Develop Preliminary Cost Estimates The consultant will develop preliminary cost estimates for further planning, design, construction and maintenance cost of the project. Construction cost estimates shall include preliminary bid item quantities. Per foot or lump sum costs will not be an acceptable substitute. The estimates should be based on the assumption that the project will be constructed using a combination of Federal and local funding and will be managed by the local community. The cost estimates should include amounts for construction, engineering, municipal project management and construction inspection. If the project is to be completed in phases, cost estimates for each phase shall be provided. J.) Project Timeline The consultant will provide a project development timeline that takes the project through the design, permitting and construction phases assuming the use of a combination of Federal and local funding. If necessary, the consultant will develop a project phasing plan for construction of the project over a multi-year period. K.) Report Production Using information gathered from the activities outlined above and from the meetings with the Town, submit draft and final reports outlining the findings of the study. The draft report must be submitted to VTrans for comment prior to issuing a final report. A minimum of 3 weeks must be allowed for VTrans review of the draft report. A public informational meeting will be held to review the draft report before completion of the final report. The consultant shall follow the report format shown below and is expected to include all of the elements listed in this RFP. It is expected that the local legislative body will endorse or decline the proposed project at this meeting. Recommended Format for Final Scoping Report: Purpose and Need of the Project Project Area and Existing Conditions Each Alternate Should Define: - Right of Way Impacts - Utility Impacts - Natural & Cultural Resource Impacts - Preliminary Project Cost Estimate - Future Maintenance STP MM21(4) - Middle Road Culvert Replacement Bridport Scoping Study RFP Page 6 of 10 Public Involvement Compatibility with Planning Efforts Project Timeline Viability III. STANDARDS AND DELIVERABLES A.) All documents should be provided in both hard copy (paper) and digital format. All hard copies of draft and final reports shall be printed on both sides (i.e. double-sided). Adobe .pdf format is required for the draft and final reports. B.) All data, databases, reports, programs and materials, in digital and hard copy format created under this project shall be transferred to the Town/City or RPC upon completion of the project and become the joint property of the Town/City or RPC and the State of Vermont when applicable. C.) The consultant will provide one hard copy of the draft and final reports to the Town of Bridport. In addition, one digital copy as an Adobe .pdf document of both the draft and final reports shall be sent to the VTrans project supervisor, the Municipal Project Manager, and the Town. IV. RESPONSE FORMAT Responses to this RFP shall consist of: A.) A technical proposal consisting of: 1. A cover letter expressing the firm’s interest in working with the Town of Bridport including identification of the principal individuals that will provide the requested services. 2. A description of the general approach to be taken toward completion of the project, an explanation of any variances to the proposed scope of work as outlined in the RFP, and any insights into the project gained as a result of developing the proposal. 3. A scope of work that includes detailed steps to be taken, including any products or deliverables resulting from each task. 4. A summary of estimated labor hours by task that clearly identifies the project team members and the number of hours performed by each team member by task. 5. A proposed schedule that indicates project milestones and overall time for completion. STP MM21(4) - Middle Road Culvert Replacement Bridport Scoping Study RFP Page 7 of 10 6. A list of individuals that will be committed to this project and their professional qualifications. The names and qualifications of any sub-consultants shall be included in this list. 7. Demonstration of success on similar projects, including a brief project description and a contact name and address for reference. 8. A representative work sample similar to the type of work being requested. Please note that Items 1 – 5 should be limited to a total of 15 pages. Resumes, professional qualifications and work samples are not included in this total. B.) A separate cost proposal consisting of: 1. A composite schedule by task of direct labor hours, direct labor cost per class of labor, overhead rate, and fee for the project. If the use of sub- consultants is proposed, a separate schedule must be provided for each. V. CONSULTANT SELECTION The Selection Committee is made up of three members: the Bridport Public Works Director, the Municipal Project Manager, and the VTrans MAB Project Supervisor. The Selection Committee will make a recommendation to the MAB Project Supervisor and the Town Selectboard to award a contract. The proposal will be evaluated considering the following weighted criteria: Review Criteria Weight Maximum Points Weighted Points Qualifications of the firm and the personnel to be assigned to this project. 2 5 10 Experience of the consultant personnel working together as a team to complete similar projects. 3 5 15 Demonstration of overall project understanding and insights into local conditions and potential issues. 5 5 25 Clarity of the proposal and creativity/thoroughness in addressing the scope of work. 6 5 30 Submission of a complete proposal with all elements required by the RFP 2 5 10 Quality of representative work sample 2 5 10 STP MM21(4) - Middle Road Culvert Replacement Bridport Scoping Study RFP Page 8 of 10 TOTAL 100 Once the Technical Proposals are discussed and ranked, the cost proposals will then be opened and reviewed for consistency with, and in light of, the evaluation of the Technical Proposals. The selection committee may elect to interview consultants prior to final selection. The Town of Bridport reserves the right to seek clarification of any proposal submitted and to select the proposal considered to best promote the public interest. The proposals will be evaluated and awarded based on the personnel presented in the Technical Proposal. Should the awarded consultant propose any substitutions to the project personnel they must submit a letter to the Municipality requesting approval of such a change. This change will also need to be approved by VTrans. The committee will select the consultant on or about August 12, 2021 to perform the services outlined in the scope of work. The rates that are proposed will be in effect for the complete term of the contract. Also, at that time, a notice of intent to issue the contract to the selected proposer will be mailed to all parties who submitted a proposal. VI. SUBMISSIONS Consultants interested in this project should submit their proposal to the contact name and address indicated. Submit as an electronic submission via e-mail with the technical and cost proposals submitted as two separate files, clearly marked as such, including the project name. Please inform the Contact Person prior to submission to avoid the proposal being relegated to their spam or junk email files. Proposals and/or modifications received after the date and time due will not be accepted or reviewed. No facsimile - machine transmitted proposals will be accepted. All proposals, upon submission, become the property of the Town of Bridport. The cost of preparing, submitting and presenting is the sole expense of the firm. The Town of Bridport reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received as a result of this solicitation, to negotiate with any qualified source, or cancel this RFP in part or in its entirety, if it is in the best interest of the Town. This Request for Proposals in no way obligates the Town of Bridport to award a contract. VII. CONTRACTING STP MM21(4) - Middle Road Culvert Replacement Bridport Scoping Study RFP Page 9 of 10 The Consultant, prior to being awarded a contract, shall apply for registration with the Vermont Secretary of State's Office to do business in the State of Vermont, if not already so registered. The registration form may be obtained from the Vermont Secretary of State, 128 State Street Montpelier, VT 05633-1101, PH: 802-828-2363, Toll-free: 800-439-8683; Vermont Relay Service – 711; web site: The contract will not be executed until the Consultant is registered with the Secretary of State's Office. The successful Consultant will be expected to execute sub-agreements for each sub-consultant named in the proposal upon award of this contract. The Consultant’s attention is directed to the VTrans’ Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Policy Requirements. These requirements outline the State’s and the consultant’s responsibility with regard to the utilization of DBEs for the work covered in the RFP. It is expected that all consultants will make good faith efforts to solicit DBE sub-consultants. If the award of the contract aggrieves any firms, they may appeal in writing to the Town of Bridport Selectboard, P.O. Box 27, Bridport, VT 05734. The appeal must be postmarked within seven (7) calendar days following the date of written notice to award the contract. Any decision of the Town Selectboard is final. Prior to beginning any work, the Consultant shall obtain Insurance Coverage in accordance with the Specifications for Contractor Services located in the Municipal Assistance Bureau Guidebook Appendix. The certificate of insurance coverage shall be documented on forms acceptable to the Town. STP MM21(4) - Middle Road Culvert Replacement Bridport Scoping Study RFP Page 10 of 10
Free Meals in Bridport through Everyone Eats
Pick up Meals at the Town Clerk’s office Mon & Thurs. between 2-6 PM. starting April 26th.
To sign up go to;
Or call Sue at 802-870-7199
Meals provided by Bar Antidote & 3 Squares, organized by Vergennes Boys & Girls Club
Funded by The Federal Corona Virus Relief Fund
Meals by Bar Antidote and 3 Squares, funded by The Federal Coronavirus Relief Fun
Rabies Clinic at Tractor Supply Middlebury
Rabies Clinic
Tractor Supply Middlebury, 476 Foote Street 382-9292
Time: 9:30-11:00
Dates: 4/24, 5/22, 6/19, 7/17