Invitation to Bid





Sealed bids from pre-qualified contractors shall be accepted until 3:00PM, prevailing time on Friday, May 7, 2021 at 82 Crown Point Road, PO Box 27, Bridport, Vermont  05734 for construction of the project hereinafter described. Bid opening will occur immediately after the bid submittal deadline. The time of receiving and opening bids may be postponed due to emergencies or unforeseen conditions. Work to be performed under this project includes: Grading, subbase, bituminous concrete pavement, precast concrete box culvert, steel beam guardrail and other related items in the Town of Bridport.

OBTAINING PLANS: Plans may be obtained from Otter Creek Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 712, 404 East Main Street, East Middlebury, VT  05740. Phone: 802-382-8522 at a cost of $75 per set made payable to Otter Creek Engineering, Inc. Plans are not returnable.


1. Otter Creek Engineering, Inc. 110 Merchants Row, 4th Floor, Suite 15, Rutland, Vermont  05701.

2. Otter Creek Engineering, Inc., 404 East Main Street, East Middlebury, VT  05740.

PREBID CONFERENCE: A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held for the project on Monday, April 26, 2021 at 1:00pm local time at the Town of Bridport Town Office, 82 Crown Point Road, Bridport, Vermont  05734.

QUESTIONS: During the advertisement phase of this project all questions shall be addressed solely to Brent F. Rakowski, P.E. at Otter Creek Engineering, Inc., P.O. Box 712, 404 East Main Street, East Middlebury, VT  05740. Phone: 802-382-8522 ext. 205 and Email:

The complete bid documents are posted on the Vermont Business Registry and Bid System website: In the Bid System search box, search for the Bridport Culvert Improvements project.

Owner: Town of Bridport

By:          Tim Howlett

Title:      Selectboard Chair

Date:     Thursday, April 15, 2021


Election Results Officials

                                                            Town Officials

Town Moderator                                                                                 Delinquent Tax Collector

    Tim Howlett   241                                                                                  Katie King    21

                                                                                                                     Jubilee McGill    1

Selectboard Member 3 years                                                             Anthony Korda    1

     Davis Bronson   150                                                                            Steve Myrick    2

     Pierre Bordeleau   90                                                                          Jim Craig    5

                                                                                                                      Earl Audet    1

Selectboard Member 2 years                                                               Sue Stocker    3

     Tim Howlett    230                                                                               Chris Carl    1

     Pierre Bordeleau    2                                                                             Art Ploof    1

       Jason Mercier 1                                                                                                 Steve Huestis    1                                                                     Liz Bordeleau    1 Irene Zaccor 1


Selectboard Member 2 years                                                                First Constable

     Stephen Huestis    239                                                                            Richard Shimel    215

     Lue Garofano    3

     Mike Lawton    1                                                                                  Second Constable

     Jason Mercier   1                                                                                      Bruce Stocker    230

     Sue Stocker    1                                                                                         Phil Wagner    1


Auditor 3 years                                                                                         Water Commissioner 2 years

     Irene Zaccor    227                                                                                    Ernest Audet    234

                                                                                                                          Art Ploof    1

Auditor 2 years                                                                                               Mark Pumiglia 1

     Kristina Howlett    1

     Aaron Ouellette    4                                                                            Water Commissioner 3 years

     Jubilee McGill    1                                                                                       Drexel Wheeler 221

     Brian Desforges    1

     Tom Broughton    1

     Margaret Sunderland    1                                                                  Cemetery Commissioner

     Esther Howlett    1                                                                                      David Basque    236

     Mark Pumiglia    1                                                                                       David Bronson    2

     JoAnne Kenyon    1

     Corey Pratt    1

     Bob Grau     1

     David Basque    1

     Patricia Broughton    1

     Tim Hotte    1

     Sue Stocker    1

     Art Ploof    1


Lister  1 year

     Eric Conroy     206



Election Results Articles


Article 2   yes- 240,  no- 11                                                            Article 28   yes- 157,  no- 80

Article 3   yes- 244,  no- 13                                                            Article 29   yes- 188,  no- 56

Article 4   yes- 240,  no- 15                                                            Article 30   yes- 162,  no- 76

Article 5   yes- 161,  no- 89                                                            Article 31   yes- 188,  no- 55

Article 6   yes- 159,  no- 89                                                            Article 32   yes- 231,  no- 16

Article 7   yes- 223,  no- 32                                                            Article 33   yes- 222,  no- 25

Article 8   yes- 185,  no- 66                                                            Article 34   yes- 222,  no- 25

Article 9   yes- 180,  no- 69                                                            Article 35  yes- 194,  no- 51

Article  10  yes- 167,  no- 81                                                          Article 36  yes- 184,  no- 57

Article 11  yes-155,  no- 95                                                            Article 37  yes- 183,  no 55

Article 12  yes- 190,  no- 55                                                           Article 38 yes- 203,  no- 36

Article 13  yes- 199,  no-54                                                            Article 39  yes- 191,  no- 55

Article  14  yes- 128, no- 121                                                         Article 40 yes- 189,  no-  58

Article  15  yes- 152, no- 93

Article 16  yes- 189,  no- 63

Article 17  yes-219, no- 35

Article 18  yes-184, no- 64

Article 19  yes- 193,  no-  58

Article 20  yes- 209,  no- 44

Article 21  yes- 131,  no- 111

Article 22  yes- 196,  no- 53

Article 23  yes- 159,  no- 86

Article 24  yes- 198,  no- 49

Article 25  yes- 165,  no- 63

Article 26  yes- 175,  no-  69

Article 27  yes- 193,  no- 51

Town Warning 2021 Correction

It has been brought to our attention that there is a mistake in the Town Warning in Article 36 & 38. The Town Warning that was posted on the website and the ballot are correct. Here is the correct version:


                                        TOWN OF BRIDPORT 

                                   ANNUAL TOWN MEETING


The Legal Voters of the Town of Bridport are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Bridport Masonic/Community Hall on Tuesday March 2, 2021 to transact the following business.  The polls for voting by Australian ballot will be open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.  All business will be voted by Australian ballot.


Article 1.  To elect the following officers by Australian ballot:


·         Town Moderator for a term of one year.

·         Selectboard member for a term of three years.

·         Selectboard member for a term of two years.

·         Selectboard member for a remaining term of two years.

·         Auditor for a term of three years.

·         Auditor for a remaining term of two years.

·         Lister for a term of three years.

·         Water Commissioner to the Board of Water Commissioners of the Tri-Town Water

District #1 for a term of three years.

·         Water Commissioner to the Board of Water Commissioners of the Tri-Town Water

District #1 for a remaining term of two years.

·         First Constable for a term of one year.

·         Second Constable for a term of one year.

·         Collector of Delinquent Taxes for a term of one year.

·         Cemetery Commissioner for a term of five years.




Article 2.  Will the Voters approve of the reports of the Town Officers?


Article 3.  Will the Voters appropriate $15,000.00 for the Bridport Fire Department?


Article 4.  Will the Voters appropriate $8,000.00 for Townline First Response


Article 5.  Will the Voters appropriate $1,900.00 for Addison County Central Teens?  


Article 6.  Will the Voters appropriate $608.00 for Addison County Economic Development Corporation?       


Article 7.  Will the Voters appropriate $2,500.00 for Addison County Home Health and Hospice, Inc.?                                      


Article 8.  Will the Voters appropriate $500.00 for Addison County Humane Society?


Article 9.  Will the Voters appropriate $1,600.00 for Addison County Parent/Child Center?


Article 10.  Will the Voters appropriate $350.00 for Addison County Readers, Inc.?


Article 11.  Will the Voters appropriate $400.00 for Addison County Restorative Justice Services?


Article 12.  Will the Voters appropriate $2,000.00 for Age Well?


Article 13.  Will the Voters appropriate $500.00 for American Red Cross NH VT?


Article 14.  Will the Voters appropriate  $1,000.00 for Better Middlebury Partnership?


Article 15.  Will the Voters appropriate $1,000.00 for Charter House Coalition?


Article 16.  Will the Voters appropriate $1,750.00 for Counseling Service of Addison County?


Article 17.  Will the Voters appropriate $600.00 for End of Life Services (formerly Hospice Volunteer Services)?


Article 18.  Will the Voters appropriate $1,250.00 for HOPE?


Article 19.  Will the Voters appropriate $700.00 for John Graham Emergency Shelter?


Article 20.  Will the Voters appropriate $12,180.00 for Middlebury Regional EMS?


Article 21.  Will the Voters appropriate $150.00 for NeighborWorks of Western Vermont?


Article 22.  Will the Voters appropriate $850.00 for Open Door Clinic?


Article 23.  Will the Voters appropriate $2,600.00 for Platt Memorial Library?


Article 24.  Will the Voters appropriate $320.00 for Retired and Senior Volunteer Program?


Article 25.  Will the Voters appropriate $760.00 for Tri-Valley Transit (formerly ACTR)?


Article 26.  Will the Voters appropriate $500.00 for Vermont Adult Learning?


Article 27.  Will the Voters appropriate $500.00 for Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired?


Article 28.  Will the Voters appropriate $200.00 for Vermont CARES?


Article 29.  Will the Voters appropriate $190.00 for Vermont Center for Independent Living?


Article 30.  Will the Voters appropriate $250.00 for Vermont Family Network?


Article 31.  Will the Voters appropriate $1,250.00 for WomenSafe?


Article 32.  Will the Voters appropriate $16,000.00 for Bridport Fire Department and Townline First Response for a repeater for better communication?


Article 33.  Will the Voters approve of exempting the Bridport Grange No. 303 from taxation for a period of five years?


Article 34. Will the Voters approve of exempting the Bridport Historical Society, Inc. from taxation for a period of five years?


Article 35.  Will the Voters approve of the Town changing its budgeting fiscal year from a calendar year to a July 1 to June 30 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022; with January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 being an 18 month transition budgeting period?


Article 36.  If Article 35 is approved, then for the 18 month transition period of January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, will the Voters approve the sums of $1,406,125.00 and $377,716.00 for the proposed expenses of the Department of Public Works and General Fund, respectively, for a total of $1,783,841.00; with up to $1,428,926.00 to be raised by property taxes in addition to other non-tax receipts; with each of these last three amounts being reduced by the respective amount from any of Articles 3 to 32 that are not approved; and with all property taxes to be paid to its Treasurer in one installment of 67 percent thereof on or before November 10, 2021 and another installment of 33 percent thereof on or before May 10, 2022?


Article 37.  If Article 35 is approved, will the Voters approve of there being due and payable on all property taxes remaining unpaid at the end of the calendar month in which they are due interest thereafter at the rate of one percent per calendar month or fraction thereof?


Article 38. If Article 35 is not approved, then for the calendar year 2021, will the Voters approve the sums of $1,109,925.00 and $ 288,227.00 for the proposed expenses of the Department of Public Works and General Fund, respectively, for a total of $1,398,152.00; with up to $1,117,482.00 to be raised by property taxes in addition to other non-tax receipts; with each of these last three amounts being reduced by the respective amount from any of Articles 3 to 32 that are not approved; and with all property taxes to be paid to its Treasurer on or before November 10, 2021?


Article 39.  Will the Voters approve of any vacancy after March 2, 2021 in the office of the Collector of Delinquent Taxes being filled by appointment by the Selectboard, which will change the office to an appointed position?


Article 40.  Shall the Town of Bridport ratify the Town of Ripton’s vote of January 12, 2021 to withdraw from the Addison Central School District?


NOTICE of AVAILABILITY of 2020 Bridport Annual Town Report


At the March 3, 2015 Town of Bridport Annual Town Meeting, the Voters authorized the Selectboard to give at least thirty days advance notice before the date of the Annual Town Meeting of the availability of the Bridport Annual Town Report.

The 2020 Town Report will be available for review and/or download on the Town of Bridport website ( on or before February 20, 2021.  In addition, printed copies of the Town Report will be made available at the Town Clerk’s Office on or before February 20, 2021. Any Town Voter or resident may request to receive a printed copy of the Town Report by requesting it at the Bridport Town Clerk’s Office.  Residents may call 758-2483, email, mail a request to P.O. Box 27, Bridport, VT  05734. Please do not stop in the Town Offices to request a Town Report due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.


Dated January 29, 2021 by the Selectboard members of the Town of Bridport.




Tim Howlett-Chair                                   Joan Huestis                              David Bronson




Robert Sunderland                                    Steve Huestis

Town Information Newsletter

Town Meeting will take on a new look this year. With the coronavirus still having its grip on our country, the safest way to conduct Town business in a timely manner is through an Australian ballot.  With the absence of the annual Town Meeting, it is important for us to explain as much as we can about what you will be voting on this year.

A hard copy of the Town Report is available on request as usual, and it is also posted online under: , Information, general information, Town Report 2020

 Ballots will be given on a “request only” basis for absentee voting, which is our normal practice, as well as the polls being open from 7am to 7pm on March 2nd, 2021.  Ballots can be requested by calling the Town Office at 802-758-2483 or online at: , documents/forms/applications, Early Absentee Request Form, or: , Elections, Election Info & Resources, Early & Absentee Voting

The ballots will be multiple pages of Town business due to the fact that all things voted on the floor of Town Meeting will now appear on the ballot.  All elected Officer voting will be on one ballot and all monetary items will be on a separate ballot. 

For those of you that do not normally attend Town Meeting, we vote on support for the Fire Department, Town Line First Response and then a multitude of social services requesting town funds for their operations.  This will be covered in articles 2 through 31. All of the social services provide us with a statement or finance page letting us know what funds are used for and roughly how many Bridport residents benefit from their services, if known. These pages are in the Town Report.

Article 32 asks voters to support the Town spending $16,000 on a repeater that our emergency services (Bridport Fire Dept. and Town Line First Response) can use to enhance communication on their 2-way radios.  Over the last several years, the bandwidth on the radios has narrowed (FCC mandate) to the point that an emergency responder on one side of town cannot hear someone on the other side of town.  This makes responding to calls sometimes delayed and confusing for our volunteer responders.

Articles 33 and 34 are requests that the Town makes once every 5 years for tax exemption on the Bridport Grange Hall and the Bridport Historical Society properties.

Article 35 is a very important matter for our Town to consider. It deals with our Town’s financial structure and flow of cash that occur throughout the year.  Bridport is among the minority of towns in the state still spending on a calendar year.  The majority of towns operate on a fiscal year that begins on July 1st and concludes the following June 30th.  This aligns with both the State and school fiscal calendar.  Please see attached material for more details on how town finances are handled currently and our proposal on how we would like to handle them in the future. In the last few years, the bank has been less favorable towards a tax anticipation loan and would prefer us to arrange our cash flow through better alignment of revenue with expenses.  The Selectboard has spent many hours of thought and discussion on this issue.  We unanimously support Article 35. It will both spread out the tax burden on taxpayers as well as provide the Town with cash in a timely manner.  The hurdle we have to cross is a conversion period of time which is a span of 18 months starting on January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.  Whether you favor the change proposed in Article 35 or not, please cast a vote on both budgets, as we will not know the outcome of the vote to change fiscal schedules until after the elections.  If article 35 is passed, the budget we vote on in 2022 will be a budget for 12 months beginning on July 1, 2022 and concluding on June 30, 2023. 

Article 37 handles tax delinquency and interest charge on the delinquent taxes on the new schedule of tax payments, which will be Nov. 10, 2021 and May 10, 2022.

Article 39 is a request by the Selectboard to convert the Collector of Delinquent Taxes position from an elected position to an appointed position.  This gives us the latitude to appoint and develop the best candidate for the position that we are able to find.

Article 40 is a request to ratify the Town of Ripton’s vote to withdraw from the Addison Central School District. 

In addition to this letter and the supporting materials, the Selectboard will host a question-and-answer session on February 24, 2021 at 6:00 pm

Bridport Informational Meeting
Wed, Feb 24, 2021 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (EST)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212

Access Code: 860-446-325

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:



Town of Bridport Selectboard

Dated January 29, 2021 by the Selectboard members of the Town of Bridport.




Tim Howlett-Chair                                   Joan Huestis                              David Bronson




Robert Sunderland                                    Steve Huestis

Ripton FAQ

Are you aware of Ripton’s recent vote to withdraw from the Addison Central School District (ACSD)?  


On January 12, 2021, the town of Ripton voted to withdraw from ACSD. This vote came after almost two years of failed attempts to engage the people in power to come up with creative solutions for Ripton Elementary School to stay open.  It became certain that the school would close.


The townspeople of Ripton took action to defend the school, and now we need your help by ratifying the vote in your town.  On town meeting day, March 2nd 2021, all towns in the ACSD (Bridport, Cornwall, Middlebury, Salisbury, Shoreham, and Weybridge) will be asked to vote on this issue.  In spite of Ripton’s vote by a significant majority to withdraw from ACSD, Ripton will rely on your vote to allow it to leave the ACSD and keep the Ripton Elementary School open.


Q: How will Ripton’s withdrawal affect my taxes? 

A: In all likelihood, you will not see any significant tax ramifications if Ripton withdraws. Even in the numbers recently put forth by the board in opposition to RIpton’s departure, both scenarios (Ripton leaving and keeping its school or Ripton’s school being closed but its students expected to attend an ACSD school) resulted in tax savings for the rest of the district.  The latter scenario resulted in infinitesimally more savings (0.03% or 1/3 of a penny on the dollar).

Ripton has one of the smallest schools in the district, so it is also one of the most expensive to run. Without Ripton, the per pupil spending in the rest of the district is minimally impacted, and in one initial study, the per pupil spend actually decreased in the rest of the district with Ripton out of the equation. Also, keep in mind that, as it is modeled, Ripton would continue to contribute to ACSD’s bottom line by tuitioning its secondary students to MUMS and MUHS.  We feel confident that Ripton’s departure will have a revenue-neutral effect on the other towns. 

Below is an estimated cost projection put together by a Weybridge local and whose estimates were affirmed to be reasonable by former ACSD Business Manager, Brittany Gilman.  Gilman agreed that, Ripton's withdrawal will have "negligible" tax implications for the other towns.


FY22 Proposed Budget

FY22 Projected Students

Cost Per Student





















Mary Hogan








Total With Ripton




Total Without Ripton




 **These projections are based on the assumption that the sixth grade will be moved to MUMS and do not include tuition students from Hancock and Granville in the denominator


Q: What will Ripton do if they win this vote?

A: It will maintain its own elementary school.  We will also continue to serve as an important resource for children from Hancock and Granville who are bussed over for elementary school.  Our secondary students will continue to head down the mountain, as tuition students, most likely to MUMS and MUHS.


Q: Will Ripton’s withdrawal increase the likelihood that additional small schools will now be slated to close?

A: The activism around this vote has contributed to the board recently putting the entire facilities master plan on hold.  This is encouraging for everyone who feels protective of their community school.  We believe that Ripton’s self - initiated withdrawal will help the district’s bottom line as far as finances, and thereby should not add to their incentive to close additional schools.  In effect, we are asking for the same thing the board intended with their plans: to remove the expense of Ripton’s school from the ACSD budget. In addition, Ripton’s activism provides a model for other towns who feel their voice is not being heard by this school board.  


Q: Does Ripton still want to leave in spite of the facilities master plan being put on hold?

A: It has been made very clear that there is no plan moving forward, which includes keeping Ripton Elementary School open.  The master plan has been put on hold more than once, but not once has Ripton’s school’s survival been included in a list of alternative solutions.  At this point, Ripton has legally voted to leave the district, so irregardless of the forward motion of the facilities plan, we now need the other towns to ratify our vote.


Q: Is Ripton’s withdrawal fair from the standpoint of equity?

A: Ripton is seeking to maintain an institution that is based on equity.  We want a tight-knit community where people of all ages won’t slip through the cracks.  We believe that maintaining a school at the center of that community sets a standard of accountability and success.  If you poll current and future Ripton parents, you will hear that they are overwhelmingly in favor of keeping this school open.  


Q: How would Ripton’s departure affect the tax burden on low and moderate income residents in Ripton?

A: The school tax situations for a new Ripton district would be the same as they have been under ACSD.  In other words, there is the homestead exemption and also the income exemption, meaning that school taxes apply only in full to the home and two acres rather than the total property holdings.  As for income, I think that those below $120,000 pay their school tax based on income rather than property value.  That will be the same for Ripton residents in the new district, should the new district come to pass.  There is also the prospect of the State House making changes in school funding legislation.  There are current discussions at the state level about income taxes being the source of all school taxing purposes, but that seems to be not in play at present.   


Q: Where will RIpton’s secondary students go?

A: As for high school and middle school access, there is more decline in student population right now at the secondary levels than there is at the elementary levels, so we do not anticipate that the ACSD will fail to find room at MUMS and MUHS for our students.  The real question is how the state will assign us to a supervisory union. We anticipate that Ripton will have school choice for our students, meaning that our school board can designate which secondary schools parents can choose for their children: it might be in Middlebury or Bristol or Vergennes or even other districts. 


Q: What will happen with Ripton’s sixth-graders?

A:  The 6th grade question is a good one.  This will be decided after a Ripton school board is formed should we win withdrawal. Town-wide polling and input will drive the future model for RES.


Q: Will Ripton’s departure dissolve the ACSD?:

A: Based on the statute 16 V.S.A. § 724, there is a possibility that the State Board of Education can dissolve ACSD; however, when you consider “it shall [also] determine whether it is in the best interests of the State, the students, and the school districts remaining in the unified union school district that the unified union district continue to exist” you might realize that dissolution is actually a slim possibility and it’s more likely the State Board would “declare that the unified union district shall continue to exist despite the withdrawal of [Ripton].”

The remaining ACSD students and staff will be reconfigured and “repurposed” based on seniority like what is currently happening in the district with the 6th grade move and the future closing of schools. Ripton withdrawing should not affect teachers who wish to remain employed by ACSD.

The full statute is here: https://le


Provided by Save Our School, LLC

Molly Witters, President

Millard Cox, Vice-President

Joanna Doria, Secretary

Erin Robinson, Treasurer

2020 Town Reports Are Ready

2020 Town Reports are ready for pickup at the Town Clerk’s Office. They are located on the porch in a plastic box. If you requested one, there is one in the box with you name on it. If you requested one to be mailed to you, it has been mailed. You can view the Town Report online on our website under Information/General Town Info.

Town Meeting Warning 2021


                                        TOWN OF BRIDPORT 

                                   ANNUAL TOWN MEETING


The Legal Voters of the Town of Bridport are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Bridport Masonic/Community Hall on Tuesday March 2, 2021 to transact the following business.  The polls for voting by Australian ballot will be open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.  All business will be voted by Australian ballot.


Article 1.  To elect the following officers by Australian ballot:


·         Town Moderator for a term of one year.

·         Selectboard member for a term of three years.

·         Selectboard member for a term of two years.

·         Selectboard member for a remaining term of two years.

·         Auditor for a term of three years.

·         Auditor for a remaining term of two years.

·         Lister for a term of three years.

·         Water Commissioner to the Board of Water Commissioners of the Tri-Town Water

District #1 for a term of three years.

·         Water Commissioner to the Board of Water Commissioners of the Tri-Town Water

District #1 for a remaining term of two years.

·         First Constable for a term of one year.

·         Second Constable for a term of one year.

·         Collector of Delinquent Taxes for a term of one year.

·         Cemetery Commissioner for a term of five years.




Article 2.  Will the Voters approve of the reports of the Town Officers?


Article 3.  Will the Voters appropriate $15,000.00 for the Bridport Fire Department?


Article 4.  Will the Voters appropriate $8,000.00 for Townline First Response


Article 5.  Will the Voters appropriate $1,900.00 for Addison County Central Teens?  


Article 6.  Will the Voters appropriate $608.00 for Addison County Economic Development Corporation?       


Article 7.  Will the Voters appropriate $2,500.00 for Addison County Home Health and Hospice, Inc.?                                      


Article 8.  Will the Voters appropriate $500.00 for Addison County Humane Society?


Article 9.  Will the Voters appropriate $1,600.00 for Addison County Parent/Child Center?


Article 10.  Will the Voters appropriate $350.00 for Addison County Readers, Inc.?


Article 11.  Will the Voters appropriate $400.00 for Addison County Restorative Justice Services?


Article 12.  Will the Voters appropriate $2,000.00 for Age Well?


Article 13.  Will the Voters appropriate $500.00 for American Red Cross NH VT?


Article 14.  Will the Voters appropriate  $1,000.00 for Better Middlebury Partnership?


Article 15.  Will the Voters appropriate $1,000.00 for Charter House Coalition?


Article 16.  Will the Voters appropriate $1,750.00 for Counseling Service of Addison County?


Article 17.  Will the Voters appropriate $600.00 for End of Life Services (formerly Hospice Volunteer Services)?


Article 18.  Will the Voters appropriate $1,250.00 for HOPE?


Article 19.  Will the Voters appropriate $700.00 for John Graham Emergency Shelter?


Article 20.  Will the Voters appropriate $12,180.00 for Middlebury Regional EMS?


Article 21.  Will the Voters appropriate $150.00 for NeighborWorks of Western Vermont?


Article 22.  Will the Voters appropriate $850.00 for Open Door Clinic?


Article 23.  Will the Voters appropriate $2,600.00 for Platt Memorial Library?


Article 24.  Will the Voters appropriate $320.00 for Retired and Senior Volunteer Program?


Article 25.  Will the Voters appropriate $760.00 for Tri-Valley Transit (formerly ACTR)?


Article 26.  Will the Voters appropriate $500.00 for Vermont Adult Learning?


Article 27.  Will the Voters appropriate $500.00 for Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired?


Article 28.  Will the Voters appropriate $200.00 for Vermont CARES?


Article 29.  Will the Voters appropriate $190.00 for Vermont Center for Independent Living?


Article 30.  Will the Voters appropriate $250.00 for Vermont Family Network?


Article 31.  Will the Voters appropriate $1,250.00 for WomenSafe?


Article 32.  Will the Voters appropriate $16,000.00 for Bridport Fire Department and Townline First Response for a repeater for better communication?


Article 33.  Will the Voters approve of exempting the Bridport Grange No. 303 from taxation for a period of five years?


Article 34. Will the Voters approve of exempting the Bridport Historical Society, Inc. from taxation for a period of five years?


Article 35.  Will the Voters approve of the Town changing its budgeting fiscal year from a calendar year to a July 1 to June 30 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022; with January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 being an 18 month transition budgeting period?


Article 36.  If Article 35 is approved, then for the 18 month transition period of January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, will the Voters approve the sums of $1,406,125.00 and $377,716.00 for the proposed expenses of the Department of Public Works and General Fund, respectively, for a total of $1,783,841.00; with up to $1,428,926.00 to be raised by property taxes in addition to other non-tax receipts; with each of these last three amounts being reduced by the respective amount from any of Articles 3 to 32 that are not approved; and with all property taxes to be paid to its Treasurer in one installment of 67 percent thereof on or before November 10, 2021 and another installment of 33 percent thereof on or before May 10, 2022?


Article 37.  If Article 35 is approved, will the Voters approve of there being due and payable on all property taxes remaining unpaid at the end of the calendar month in which they are due interest thereafter at the rate of one percent per calendar month or fraction thereof?


Article 38. If Article 35 is not approved, then for the calendar year 2021, will the Voters approve the sums of $1,109,925.00 and $ 288,227.00 for the proposed expenses of the Department of Public Works and General Fund, respectively, for a total of $1,398,152.00; with up to $1,117,482.00 to be raised by property taxes in addition to other non-tax receipts; with each of these last three amounts being reduced by the respective amount from any of Articles 3 to 32 that are not approved; and with all property taxes to be paid to its Treasurer on or before November 10, 2021?


Article 39.  Will the Voters approve of any vacancy after March 2, 2021 in the office of the Collector of Delinquent Taxes being filled by appointment by the Selectboard, which will change the office to an appointed position?


Article 40.  Shall the Town of Bridport ratify the Town of Ripton’s vote of January 12, 2021 to withdraw from the Addison Central School District?


NOTICE of AVAILABILITY of 2020 Bridport Annual Town Report


At the March 3, 2015 Town of Bridport Annual Town Meeting, the Voters authorized the Selectboard to give at least thirty days advance notice before the date of the Annual Town Meeting of the availability of the Bridport Annual Town Report.

The 2020 Town Report will be available for review and/or download on the Town of Bridport website ( on or before February 20, 2021.  In addition, printed copies of the Town Report will be made available at the Town Clerk’s Office on or before February 20, 2021. Any Town Voter or resident may request to receive a printed copy of the Town Report by requesting it at the Bridport Town Clerk’s Office.  Residents may call 758-2483, email, mail a request to P.O. Box 27, Bridport, VT  05734. Please do not stop in the Town Offices to request a Town Report due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.


Dated January 29, 2021 by the Selectboard members of the Town of Bridport.




Tim Howlett-Chair                                   Joan Huestis                              David Bronson




Robert Sunderland                                    Steve Huestis

Dog and Wolf-Hyrid Licensing due April 1, 2021

2021 Vermont Dog and Wolf-Hybrid Licensing Fees


Annual Licensing Deadline for Existing Pet Owners: April 1


A person who fails to license a dog or wolf-hybrid in the required manner may be fined up to $500.00

(20 V.S.A.  § 3550 (a) )


Please Remit Payment to:  Town of Bridport

                                                 PO Box 27

                                                 Bridport, VT  05734


Fee Schedule

                                 Before April 1                           After April 1

Neutered or spayed                  $9.00                                         $11.00

NOT neutered or spayed         $13.00                                       $17.00


Working Farm Dog Fee:  Add  $5.00


                                                           1-10                                              Additional Each

                                               Dogs or wolf-hybrids                                (over 10)


Breeding License                 

    Before April 1                     $30.00                                               $3.00

    After April 1                        $45.00                                               $4.50


Pet Dealer                             

    Before April 1                    $25.00         

      After April 1                      $37.50


Reopening Bridport Municipal Offices Policy & Procedures

Reopening Bridport Municipal Offices Policy and Procedure  

Purpose:   Select board policies are statements from municipalities governing duties or standards of performance. The following policy and procedure is imposed by the Town in accordance with regulatory guidance from the State and Federal Governments.  

Policy:   This policy supports the Vermont Governor’s Executive Order 01-20, Declaration of State of Emergency in Response to COVID-19, declaring a state of emergency for the State of Vermont and its municipalities, to include Bridport, in response to COVID - 19.   Further, this policy addresses Addendums 10 -13 of the Vermont Governor’s Order 01-20. This policy also addresses guidance from the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans).  

Procedure: Health and Safety In line with the State of Vermont’s approach to reopen the economy, the Town of Bridport will do so, in accordance with the order and its direction for a safe and measured process. All Bridport employees, contractors, appointees, elected officials, volunteers, residents, and/or visitors, shall adhere to the following physical distancing, health, and sanitation measures in accordance with Vermont Department of Health and CDC guidelines:   If any of the persons listed above are sick or symptomatic (showing signs of fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell), they are asked to stay away from work or visiting Town Offices, which as used in this document includes any Town Buildings, until they have gone not less than 72 hours symptom free. All persons listed above must observe strict social distancing of not less than 6 feet from person to person while at work or visiting Town offices. All persons listed above must wear a face covering over both their nose and mouth when in the presence of others. Masks will be provided for Town Staff; ALL OTHERS MUST BRING THEIR OWN MASKS WITH  THEM. If anyone attempts to enter Town Offices without a mask, they will not be permitted to enter and will be asked to come back when they have the proper face covering, and if applicable a new appointment.  A temporary, translucent barrier will be positioned between Staff and those who enter at the Town Clerk’s Office. All persons listed above must practice good hand hygiene and at a minimum, must use hand sanitizer when entering and leaving Town Offices. Hand Sanitizer will be provided at all open Town Office locations. A bathroom with soap and water will also be available to use if needed where one exists. Not more than two people shall occupy one vehicle when conducting work, and, if more than one person is occupying a vehicle, all parties need to be wearing a face cover. No loitering of any kind, by anyone listed above, is permitted at any Town Office until further notice, this includes but is not limited to, entering any Office without a reason for being there, during or after hours visiting or social calls, and/or any other time when people are simply hanging around. If anyone listed above, has been in contact with someone that has been diagnosed with COVID-19, they should self-quarantine for no less than 14 days and will not be permitted to enter any of the Town Offices until said quarantine has been completed. When weather permits, Staff are asked to open windows to allow for clean air to circulate throughout the occupied portion of any Town Office. Prior to the start of operating hours, at mid-day, and at the end of operating hours; all surfaces, doorknobs, barrier(s), and bathroom(s) must be sanitized. Anyone coming to any Town Office to perform a task requiring office supplies, must bring their own. All municipal vehicles, equipment (that is being touched), and tools should be sanitized after each use. It is at the sole discretion of the Town Staff to determine what type of business is conducted during operating hours. It is at the sole discretion of the Town Staff to refuse anyone entrance to any Town Office if they are concerned for the Health and Safety of themselves, the person being refused entrance, and/or members of the general public. All Town Staff members must complete a daily health survey, which will be provided at each work location. Each Town Office will identify a member of the Staff as their Health Officer.  

Operations It is with a balanced approach that we will reopen Town Offices in Bridport. It is our primary responsibility to ensure the health and safety of all persons who may be in and out of Town Office spaces.   We also recognize that business needs to continue to provide support to our residents and visitors. In consideration of both, we have determined the healthiest and safest course of action will include the following until further notice:  

Operating Hours (Town Clerk’s Office) Saturday - Closed Sunday – Closed Monday – Closed Tuesday - 9:30am – 3:30pm (Closed 12:00pm – 1:00pm) Wednesday - 9:30am – 3:30pm (Closed 12:00pm – 1:00pm) Thursday – 9:30am – 11:30am Friday – 9:30am – 11:30am Services (Town Clerk’s Office) Tuesdays – Friday One researcher at a time Tuesday- Friday One Town Resident at a time. Appointments (Town Clerk’s Office) Everyone, with no exceptions, must have an appointment to access the Town Offices

.Researchers may sign up online for appointment times using a link located on the Town Website: or by calling the Town Clerk’s Office at 802-758-2483.

Town Residents may call the Town Clerk’s Office at 802-758-2483 to schedule an appointment. If you are unable to speak with someone, please leave a message and a member of the Town Staff will return your call to assist you.

Department of Public Works (DPW) Support Request The Bridport Department of Public Works buildings are considered a Town Office, as such, all above guidance applies. If you need to make an appointment to visit DPW or if you need to request support, please contact Dusty Huestis, Bridport DPW Road Foreman, at 802-758-2113. If you are unable to speak with someone and need to leave a message, please do so, and a member of the DPW Staff will return your call.  

Communication   All current and future such Policies and Procedures, and/or information within, will be available at the following locations:   Town of Bridport Website: of Bridport Facebook Page: Bridport Town Clerk’s Office Bridport Department of Public Works (DPW)  

Reporting Issues/Concerns   For reporting Issues or Concerns related to the above Policy and Procedure, future Policies and Procedures, or anything else pertaining to the daily operations of the Town of Bridport, the following are recommended methods of communication:   Contact one of the Bridport Select board Members .Contact the Bridport Town Clerk’s Office, please leave a message if you are unable to speak with a member of the Staff and your call will be returned as soon as possible.  We thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation during this challenging time. We wish our residents and visitors continued good health.    


The Bridport Select board       ~

Free Meal Distribution in Middlebury on May 20, 2020

Dear Addison County Town Clerks,


In response to COVID-19 hardships, the National Guard is coordinating a meal distribution for households in need at the Middlebury Airport (467 Airport Rd, Middlebury) next Wednesday, May 20 that you may be interested in sharing with your community members. Food will include FEMA meal boxes, along with produce, chicken, and dairy products- more details are below.


Schedule: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Each household will receive:
- 2 gallons of milk
- 1 box of meat (10lbs of grilled chicken filet/strip and 10lbs of breaded chicken tenders/patties)
- 1 box of produce (15-25lbs of assorted seasonal vegetables, mostly local)
- 1 box of Cabot dairy products (4lbs cheddar cheese, 1.5lbs American cheese, 2lbs butter
- 1 box of 10-15 FEMA box meals



  • Pull up in your car, open your trunk, and the appropriate amount of food will be loaded by members of the Vermont National Guard.

  • Please be sure there is plenty of space available in your car for the boxes of food.

  • The National Guard requests that you please not bring your pet to ensure their safety while loading MREs into vehicles.

  • Those who are ill, have been advised to quarantine, or lack transportation can send a friend or relative to pick up meals for them.


There will be additional events around the state in the coming weeks.

More information here:


Thanks for distributing this information!



Andrew L’Roe


Andrew W. L’Roe

Emergency Management Planner

Addison County Regional Planning Commission




Town Offices Closed

To comply with CDC guidelines, the Town Offices will be closed until Monday, April 6, 2020. As we approach April 6th, the Selectboard will reassess the situation to determine if it is appropriate to reopen at this time.

UPDATE - Town Offices closed

The BRIDPORT Town Offices will be closed to the public beginning Wednesday, March 18, 2020 until further notice.  Some Town employees will be here during regular hours to answer emails, postal mail, telephone calls and to retrieve any paperwork left in the drop box outside the front door.   Title searches by appointment only.          Please call 802-758-2483 for any further information.                                                                                                            Email:                                                                                        Bridport Selectboard ~

Bridport Offices and COVID-19

March 17th - The Bridport Town Office remains open during normal hours M-W, 9 a.m. noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Th-Fr 9-noon.  HOWEVER, that will be re-evaluated daily based on the evolving situation with COVID-19.  If you can conduct your business with the Town Office via the phone, online or through the mail (including dog renewals), please do so.  

PLEASE continue to follow the recommended guidelines of the CDC and the VT Department of Health: wash your hands, practice "social distancing"; avoid large gatherings; and if feeling unwell with symptoms of the virus, stay home and call your primary care physician.   YOUR continued good health is the primary concern.  Stay healthy, follow the guidelines, keep positive, and know "this too will pass".