Town of Bridport Amendment of Ordinance on Regulation of Speed

 Town of Bridport Amendment of Ordinance on Regulation of Speed

This is NOTICE that the Bridport Selectboard has determined there is a need to lower the speed limit on all of the Mountain Road and Forrest Road. The consideration therefore includes the following: resident requests; the rural neighborhood character; the abutting residential and agricultural/forest land use; bicycle and pedestrian use; and such physical characteristics of the roads as: hilly, curving, narrowness and being gravel roads. The following action is adopted by the Town of Bridport under the authority of 24 VS.A. Chapter 59, 24 VS.A Subsection 2291(4), 23 VS.A Section 1007 and such other laws of the State of Vermont as are applicable.


The ORDI.NANCE ON REGULATION OF SPEED of the Town of Bridport adopted May 9, 2005, and as amended by the adoption May 12, 2008 of an AMENDMENT thereto, is hereby further amended as follows in its ARTICLE 3. REGULATION OF SPEED:


A new section "G." as follows is added:


G. 35 MPH on all of both the Town Highway No. 13, also known as Mountain Road, and the Town Highway Nos. 11 and 12, also known as Forrest Road.


EFFECTIVE DATE: Except as otherwise provided for under 24 VS.A Section 1973 in the case of a petition, this amendment of said Ordinance shall become effective 60 days after its adoption on November 12, 2024, by the Bridport Selectboard.



either Julie Howlett, the Bridport Town Clerk, at her Office (125 Crown Point Road, P.O. Box 27, Bridport, VT 05734) Tel. No. 802-758-2483 or Drexel Wheeler, a member of the Selectboard, at (1790 Forrest Road, Bridport, VT 05734) Tel. No. 802-373-5479. The full text of the Ordinance Amendment may also be examined at the Bridport Town Clerk's Office and on the Town's website at



AMENDMENT Under 24 VS.A Section 1973, the qualified voters of the Town of Bridport have the right to petition for a vote on the question of disapproving the Ordinance Amendment. A petition for such a vote must be signed by not less than five

(5) percent of the qualified voters of the Town and presented to the Bridport Selectboard or the Town Clerk within forty-four (44) days following the adoption of the Ordinance Amendment.

Town of Bridport Amendment of Ordinance on regulation of Speed

The Bridport Selectboard hereby determines there is a need to lower the speed limit on all of the Mountain Road and Forrest Road. The consideration therefore includes the following: resident requests; the rural neighborhood character; the abutting residential and agricultural/forest land use; bicycle and pedestrian use; and such physical characteristics of the roads as: hilly, curving, narrowness and being gravel roads. The following action is adopted by the Town of Bridport under the authority of 24 VS.A. Chapter 59, 24 VS.A. Subsection 2291(4), 23 VS.A. Section 1007 and such other laws of the State of Vermont as are applicable.

The ORDINANCE ON REGULATION OF SPEED of the Town of Bridport adopted May 9, 2005, and as amended by the adoption May 12, 2008 of an AMENDMENT thereto, is hereby further amended as follows in its ARTICLE 3. REGULATION OF SPEED:


A new section "G." as follows is added:


G. 35 MPH on all of both the Town Highway No. 13, also known as Mountain Road, and the Town Highway Nos. 11 and 12, also known as Forrest Road.


EFFECTIVE DATE: Except as otherwise provided for under 24 VS.A. Section 1973 in the case of a petition, this amendment of said Ordinance shall become effective 60 days after its adoption on November 12, 2024, by the Bridport Selectboard.


Bridport Selectboard:

 Tim Howlett

 David Bronson

 Bob Sunderland





