Bridport Planning Commission
Meeting Agenda
Date: January 25, 2025
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Bridport Town Office
1. Call to Order
2. Hearings: Plans and additional information regarding any of the following applications may be viewed at Bridport Town Hall or by calling (802)758-2483, Ext 2. Participation in the Planning Commission proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal on any decision of an application.
1. None warned
3. Secretary’s Report
1. Review minutes of December 10, 2024 meeting
2. Correspondence:
· Huestis/Massed BLA mylar received
· Dexter Oliver letter of interest
3. Review updated member list
4. New Business
1. TBD
5. Updates on BPC Projects
1. MPG (Josh)
2. Zoning Regulations (Sharron)
3. Town Plan (Renee)
6. Updates from Subcommittees, Delegates, Reps
1. ACRPC (Andrew, Ed, Mike(alt), Renee(alt))
2. Selectboard (Drexel)
7. Old Business
1. Status of past Subdivision Applications (Adam)
2. ZA updates (Adam)
3. DRB updates (Drexel)
4. Review Action Items (Adam, Renee)
8. Public Comments
9. Upcoming Meetings
· February 11 – regular BPC meeting
· March 11 – regular BPC meeting
· April 8 – regular BPC meeting
10. Adjourn
Renée Brodeur, Secretary