Bridport Planning Commission
Meeting Agenda
Date: March 12, 2024
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Bridport Town Office
1. Call to Order
2. Secretary’s Report
1. Review minutes of February 12, 2023 meeting
3. Hearings for Subdivision Applications: Plans and additional information regarding any of the following applications may be viewed at Bridport Town Hall or by calling (802)758-2483, Ext 2. Participation in the Planning Commission proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal on any decision of an application.
1. None
4. New Business
1. Preliminary subdivision discussion – none requested
2. BPC terms expiring: Sharron, Steve, Andrew
3. ACRPC Rep terms expiring: Andrew, Ed, Steve
4. ACRPC update
1. Monthly Newsletter: sign up at
2. VCLN Workshop (Zoom): Friday March 15 - Community Trusts and Your Town; register at
5. Old Business
1. Status of past Subdivision Applications and Dates (Adam)
2. VCRD Community Visit update (Renee)
3. Town Plan 2025 (Renee, Drexel)
1. Review ACRPC meeting; amend Jan 23 meeting notes
2. Subcommittee for Town Plan?
4. Zoning/subdivision regulations (Sharron, Steve)
5. Town website updates (Steve)
6. Contact list (Renee)
6. Public Comments
7. Adjourn
Renée Brodeur, Secretary