Town of Bridport
Selectboard Meeting
Monday, May 11, 2020
Masonic/Community Hall 6pm
Call to Order
Public Comment:
Sectretar’s Report: Approve minutes from March 9th & 23rd and April 2nd, 13th & 22th, 2020 Selectboard Meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Approve bills to be paid.
DPW Report:
DPW Operations
DPW Garage Roof
New Truck Equipment, tires etc.
Culvert Report:
Rattlin Bridge Road Culvert
Lake Street Culvert
Mountain Road Culvert
Basin Harbor Road Culvert
New Business:
Accept the Resignation of Joan Huestis from the DPW Clerk, FEMA & EMP Positions
Appoint FEMA Rep
Appoint EMP Director
Appoint Judd Markowski to LFICD
Finance Letters to the State
Old Business:
Office Sub-Committee Report
Job Descriptions/Contracts
April 27, 2020 Truck and Tax Anticipation Loans
Accept the Resignation of JoAnne Kenyon from the Planning Commission
NEMRC Cloud Service Agreement
Executive Session: