Polls are open from 7am - 7pm
Town meeting begins at 10:30am in the Bridport Masonic/ Community Hall. Lunch to follow.
The Legal Voters of the Town of Bridport are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Bridport Community/Masonic Hall on Tuesday March 6, 2018 to transact the following business. The polls for voting by Australian balloting will be open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. The business meeting will be open at 10:30 AM.
Article 1. To elect the following officers by Australian Ballot:
1. Town Moderator for a term of one year.
2. Selectman for a term of three years.
3. Selectman for a term of two years.
4. Auditor for a term of two years.
5. Auditor for a term of three years.
6. Lister for a term of one year.
7. Lister for a term of two years.
8. Lister for a term of three years.
. 8A. Water Commissioner to the Board of Water Commissioners of the Tri-Town Water District #1 for a term of three years.
9. First Constable for a term of one year.
10. Second Constable for a term of one year.
11. Tax Collector for a term of one year.
12. Town Agent for a term of one year.
13. Grand Juror for a term of one year.
14. Cemetery Commissioner for a term of five years.
Article 2. To hear reports of the Town Officers and take action there on.
Article 3. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $12,500.00 for the Bridport Fire Department?
Article 4. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $8,000.00 for the Town Line First Response?
Article 5. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $1,900.00 for Addison Central Teens?
Article 6. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $608.00 for Addison County Economic Development Corporation?
Article 7. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $2,500.00 for Addison County Home Health & Hospice?
Article 8. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $500.00 for Addison County Humane Society?
Article 9. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $1,600.00 for Parent/Child Center?
Article 10. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $350.00 for Addison County Readers?
Article 11. Will the legal voters appropriate the sum of $400.00 for Addison County Restorative Justice Services?
Article 12. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $760.00 for Addison County Transit Resources?
Article 13. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 for Age Well?
Article 14. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $500.00 for American Red Cross?
Article 15. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 for Charter House Coalition?
Article 16. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $1,750.00 for Counseling Service of Addison County?
Article 17. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $700.00 for Elderly Services/Project Independence?
Article 18. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $1,250.00 for HOPE?
Article 19. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $600.00 for Hospice Volunteer Services?
Article 20. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $700.00 for John W. Graham Emergency Shelter & Service, Inc.?
Article 21. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $3,045.00 for Middlebury Regional EMS?
Article 22. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $850.00 for Open Door Clinic?
Article 23. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $1,300.00 for Platt Memorial Library?
Article 24. Will the legal Voters appropriate the sum of $320.00 for Retired and Senior Volunteer Program?
Article 25. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $500.00 for The Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired?
Article 26. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $190.00 for Vermont Center for Independent Living?
Article 27. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $500.00 for Vermont Adult Learning?
Article 28. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $200.00 for Vermont Cares?
Article 29. Will the Legal Voters appropriate the sum of $1,250.00 for WomenSafe?
Article 30. Will the Legal Voters authorize the Select Board to spend up to $340,000.00 for the purpose of replacing the Crown Point Bridge (Sunderland Bridge) contingent on receiving a State grant and using accumulated reserves to complete the project? (@ $175,000.00 from State and @ $165,000.00 from Town).
Article 31. Will the Legal Voters authorize the Select Board to spend up to $85,812.00 for the purpose of replacing the Basin Harbor Road culvert at the West Branch of the Dead Creek using accumulated reserves to complete the project ($85,812.00 being the Town’s portion of the awarded Storm Mitigation Grant- Total project cost $429,160.00)?
Article 32. Will the Legal Voters authorize the Select Board to spend up to $23,500 for the purpose of painting the Salt Shed ,Hearse House, and Masonic/Community Hall (with repairs), replacing the lights at the Town Garage through the Efficiency Vermont Program and for purchasing a new stove and refrigerator for the Masonic/Community Hall using accumulated reserves for all projects?
Article 33. Shall the Town have its taxes paid to its Treasurer on or before November 10, 2018?
Article 34. To see if the Town will approve the sums of $958,736.00 and $280,558.00 for the proposed expenses of the Department of Public Works (DPW) and general funds, respectively, for a total of $1,239,294.00. Estimated amount to be raised by taxes is $1,081,259.00.
Article 35. To transact any other non-binding business thought proper at this time.
Select Board,
Joan Huestis -Chair Tim Howlett Earl Audet
Leonard Barrett Matt Lawton
NOTICE of AVAILABILITY of 2017 Bridport Annual Town Report
At the March 3, 2015 Bridport Annual Town Meeting, the voters authorized the Select Board to give at least thirty days advance notice before the date of the Annual Town Meeting of the availability of the Town of Bridport Annual Town Report.
The 2017 Annual Town Report will be available for review and/or download on the Town of Bridport website (www.bridportvt.org) on or before February 23, 2018. In addition, printed copies of the Town Report will be made available at the Town Clerk’s Office on or before February 23, 2018. Any Town voter or resident may request to receive a printed copy of the Town Report by requesting it at the Bridport Town Clerk’s Office. Residents may: call 758-2483, email bridporttown@gmavt.net, mail a request to P.O. Box 27 Bridport VT 05734 or stop by the office to request a copy of the Town Report.
Please make your request as soon as possible in order to better be able to know how many copies of the Town Report the Town needs to print.